Test our products
Become a Xinca product tester and tell us what you think about our products. Your feedback as a product tester will provide us with valuable insights to improve and innovate the Xinca product range.
Warning: Xinca has learned about email scams regarding our product testing activities. Xinca DOES NOT offer payment to consumers for product surveys or reviews. If you receive such emails, please delete and do not respond.
About the Xinca product tester program
With our product tester platform we want to know what you think about our new Xinca products. This way you can share your thoughts about our products and help us to improve them. On this platform you can find information about the product test process in general but also about the different products test that you can enlist for or that we have done in the past. Want to join the Xinca community? Then find a product test that you like and enlist!
Contact Xinca
E-mail: sample@xincainc.com